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How it is true that intellectual property law has been the fastest growing branch of law today particulate all over the world?

How it is true that intellectual property law has been the fastest growing branch of law today particulate all over the world?

Intellectual property is a very recent concept now a day. The concept of intellectual property law is created mainly for those properties which are gained by persons with their intellectual powers the enormous technological development of transport and communication has resulted in the globalization of trade and commerce this has an impact on intellectual property which is becoming interregional in character intellectual property can travel effortlessly from one country to another. Piracy of intellectual property has been international in character.

In this present era, we called that it the day of science and technology, as we know that the intellectual properties are almost made by science and technology with the use of the human brain.

[ How it is true that intellectual property law has been the fastest growing branch of law today particulate all over the world? ]

With the fluent growth of intellectual property now it is very much nerd to develop the lows, which are, related to these intellectual properties that mean we have to create as well as develop the intellectual property law.

For the protection of new intellectual property we need to move new types of intellectual property law, As we know that the intellectual properties are growing very fast now these days, so in accordance with the growth of the intellectual property, are growing fatly to achieve the true protection of the existing intellectual properties and the future coming intellectual properties with the exaction of new intellectual properties new problems are gradually arising day by day and to solve these new growing problems the laws relating to the intellectual properties are growing fastest complaining about the others sectors of laws.

In this modern civilization, there are so many companies, industries, firms and corporations are established all over the world. In these companies, industries, firms and corporations there are so many intellectual properties are newly created by the employers or person who deals with them so, for the demand of the time being we have to famish the laws relating to intellectual properties to face the new problems grown by those intellectual properties that because the intellectual property laws are growing fastest comparing with the other branches of laws.

So, at last by the above discussion, we can say that it is really true that intellectual property law has been the fastest growing branch of law today practically allow over the world.

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Discuss the remedies available for the violation of intellectual property rights.

Intellectual property rights are enforced by an action for infringement of those rights before a District Court or High Court Division. Criminal prosecution is also possible to introspect of Trade Marla and copyright.

The remedies available against infringement of intellectual property rights bear a close resemblance. Thus in the caw of infringement of a patent, the patentee may obtain an injunction resaving infringe from using the patent and either damages or an account of whenever it would as the commercial belief it turns to the industrial property like intellectual property.

Because the publisher who publishes the writing has a company or industry then the copyright exists with the property of the industry, in the case of computer software it also let out from an industry like Microsoft company, so, that is why we can say that the industrial property relates to intellectual property. In the same way, we can say that the Trade Mark is an industrial property and on the other hand a trademark is also treated as intellectual property.

Because, a company or a product is known to the customer by the trademark of the company or by the trademark of the product, so, this is how the industrial property relates to the intellectual property in the case of the trademark. In the same way, we can say that the planet is an intellectual property and it also can be used by a company to gain money. So. In this way, industrial property relates to intellectual property in regard to the planet.

So at last we can say that the industrial property. In the maximum cases, is related to intellectual property.

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